In a world where yokai and humans coexist simultaneously, the protagonist, being a half-yokai, is entrusted to go to an abandoned train station. Accidentally entering the world of yokai, the protagonist faces various yokai and must evade their dangerous gaze. They need to uncover the rules of these yokai to obtain the key to progress.
Air Pure Dehumidify Butler
Department of Industrial Design, Chaoyang University of Technology
In Taiwan's long-term humid climate conditions, having good indoor air quality is crucial for the respiratory system and overall health of the elderly. The Air Pure Dehumidify Butler combines air purifier and dehumidifier functions, reducing the space occupied by the machine. Additionally, it features an automatic water draining function in the water tank, reducing the burden of bending over to lift heavy objects for the elderly. Coupled with a purification module, it can be placed anywhere needed in the space. Through the design of this device, it helps remove indoor moisture, odors, and air pollutants, keeping the air fresh and providing the elderly with a healthier, more comfortable living environment.
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