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Fetish Adventure

Department of Digital Multimedia Design, National Taipei University of Business


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The origin of our story is that experiences of poverty lead people to hoard items.
The little girl has lived with her grandma in a messy environment since she was a child. The habit of hoarding has led to a pile of clutter in the house, which has affected the girl's body and mind.

The little girl entered the mood of the garbage mountain and turned around to see the doll. The doll began to pester the little girl. Grandma appears in the garbage mountain and constantly conveys the image of a garbage dump to the little girl. The little girl fell off a cliff in order to recover her toy.

Happiness Points

Department of Digital Multimedia Design, National Taipei University of Business

Andrew caused and died in a car accident, the judge of hell consigns him an atone mission, transmigration back to the living’s world for collecting points by helping others in another appearance. Due to Andrew impatient for completing the order, he tried and failed everytime when he attempt to give others a hand. By once Andrew is encountered a dispute and about to being attacked, the emissary saved him, made Andrew inspired by his selfless behavior. One day Andrew saw a building fire, he steps forward for proctecting the old lady and the little girl inside the house, and sacrificed. Those who saved by his brave actions, keep livling with a grateful heart.

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