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Canine Compation - Sustainable and Independent Dog Shelter

Department of Interior Design, National Taichung University of Science and Technology


四點設計 Contact to Canine Compation - Sustainable and Independent Dog Shelter for cooperation

In recent years, many private dog shelters in Taiwan have faced closure due to insufficient manpower and funding. Therefore, we aim to address these issues through design, seeking to change the public perception of dog shelters as always dirty and disorganized, while also providing solutions to manpower shortages and financial constraints. Our goal is to make dog shelters sustainable and capable of long-term operation

base information and design planning design techniques first floor floor plan dog’s outdoor playing area

Memories of Coal Fields during Carpentry Teaching and Travel Experience

Department of Interior Design, National Taichung University of Science and Technology

The rise of coal mining and timber industries, accompanied by changes in technology and ideology, has led to the decline of the mining sector, resulting in a shortage of skilled woodworking professionals. This design utilizes mining remnants as its site, integrating wood construction techniques into space restoration. By harnessing the original features of the mining site, it plans a woodworking study tour activity that connects to environmental awareness, introducing a new form of engagement.

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