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Burnt Fox

2023, International Students Creative Award (ISCA)


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Sounds turn into abstract images. This black and white abstract animation aims to visualize the underlying music track by artist duo dadahack, enhancing it by adding a visual layer to the acoustic. A combination of mixed media materials, hand and digital drawing, as well as analog and digital animation techniques are used to create a tightly connected audiovisual experience. Among the mixed media materials are a number of so called “chemigrams”. Photographs created with a camera-less photographic technique done in the darkroom where photographic paper is exposed to light and the chemicals used for developing create abstract shapes and patterns on the paper.

Are you there Mr. Wolf ?

2023, International Students Creative Award (ISCA)

Mischa, a little girl living in the suburbs of Moscow, spends most of her time in her room, crafting things with paper mache. One day, she makes a beautiful violin out of paper and as the sound of her new instrument fills her apartment, a wonderful enchanted forest of paper grows. In this forest, live big monsters for whom Mischa wants to play. As she wanders through the magical woods in her apartment, she stops by the kitchen where Kochtcheï the Ogre lives. But the monster is too angry to enjoy the music of the little girl, and chase her out. Then, she goes into the dressing room, where Baba Yaga the Witch lives. But the monster is too occupied by herself to listen to the music of the child, and chase her out. Finally, Mischa stops by the bathroom where Vodyanoy, the Swamp Monster, lives. But the monster is too interested in Mischa to care for her music… And so, no one in Mischa’s home wants to listen to her music. But the less they listen to her playing the violin, the more the Wolf dangerously prowls in the woods, closer and closer to the little girl.

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