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DESIGN DEPARTMENT, Shibaura Institute of Technology


四點設計 Contact to Whiteboardian for cooperation

Breaking away from the expressionless square whiteboard
We designed the whiteboard as a living organism, capable of conveying emotions that could not be communicated by the act of writing alone. For the shape, we used curves combined with elliptical shapes, aiming for a form that naturally divides and uses space in different ways. The soft exterior shape can create a unique and unprecedented space. In addition, the combination with a small white board in the shape of an arm can add further expression. We did not use pure white for the surface, but used nuanced colors to blend in with the space.

Disk Type Whiteboard Table

DESIGN DEPARTMENT, Shibaura Institute of Technology

Creating an environment for meetings on an equal footing Meetings at regular whiteboards often result in a "one-to-other" relationship. As a result, the relationship is not equal, and people tend to find it difficult to speak up. It may even become necessary to stand up to write or post a post-it. When you ask people to write in the early stages, things inevitably do not go smoothly. Based on this experience, we wondered if we could create "an environment where meetings can be held on an equal footing," and proposed the Chinese table-type whiteboard. The seating arrangement makes it psychologically easy for people to speak up and have a conversation.

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