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Turtle Meeting

DESIGN DEPARTMENT, Shibaura Institute of Technology


四點設計 Contact to Turtle Meeting for cooperation

Improve the efficiency of Ideation and exchange of opinions
In a meeting with a lot of discussions, opinions on the board are often scattered and the boundaries between groups are often blurred. A whiteboard that is "easy to summarize" and "easy to understand" is needed. Against this backdrop, we developed the "parent turtle" and "child turtle" hexagonal whiteboards to enhance visibility. The hexagonal shape allows grouping without being upside down. Furthermore, the large number of sides makes it easy to express the relationship between the hatchlings.


Department of Fashion Styling and Design Communication, Shih Chien University Kaohsiung Campus

Time always fades away with the alternation of the sun, moon, and stars. The interweaving of waxing and waning moons leaves traces of time. Sometimes hidden, sometimes revealed, like the fleeting moments of a lunar eclipse...

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