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Department of Product Design, Tainan University of Technology


四點設計 Contact to Teagather for cooperation

As Taiwan’s domestic consumers’ demand for tea drinks increases, the hand-cranked drink market is also growing significantly. According to tea factory estimates, about 180 tons of tea residues can be produced in a day. The general treatment methods are incineration, composting, Pyrolysis and solidification, which inevitably include high equipment costs, low efficiency, corrosive odor, air pollution problems, etc., re-give value to the tea residue by changing the treatment method, and use chairs, an object that is used every day , brought back into people’s sight.

Recycling tea residues and waste paper from hand-crank beverage shops to achieve sustainable value. Using recycled or biodegradable materials to reduce waste and improve efficiency. Made through multiple processes and passed strength testing. After soaking in water to soften, it can be minced again for secondary processing.


The International Programme in Communication Design (CommDe), Chulalongkorn University

"Dissonantia" is a short film that explores the fragility of memory and the human psyche. It follows a young man who hurts the girl he loves due to a false memory fabricated from his dreams. He grapples with self-deception and illusory reality as he tries to reconcile the dissonance between his dreams and reality.

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