"Dissonantia" is a short film that explores the fragility of memory and the human psyche. It follows a young man who hurts the girl he loves due to a false memory fabricated from his dreams. He grapples with self-deception and illusory reality as he tries to reconcile the dissonance between his dreams and reality.
House of Luck
The International Programme in Communication Design (CommDe), Chulalongkorn University
House of Luck explores the relationship between visual symbols and the power of positive design that strives to stimulate positive emotions and increase people’s well-being and happiness. By incorporating playful and vibrant illustrations, the project aims to challenge the conventional concept of luck by exploring and experimenting with our ability to design our luck. The interactive digital kiosk provides users with the opportunity to personalize their own lucky digital design, which the user will receive as a phone wallpaper format. Attached to the kiosk is the visual index in the form of keychains, acting as a catalog of interpretations for all potential visual elements that the user may receive.
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