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Taiwan Explorer

Department of Creative Product Design, TUNGNAN UNIVERSITY


四點設計 Contact to Taiwan Explorer for cooperation

The design of 3D Topography Puzzle Learning Set, tailored for children aged 10-12 in elementary school. This innovative kit allows children to physically engage with and comprehend the terrain of Taiwan through hands-on assembly. By providing a tangible representation of Taiwan's landscape, it facilitates a deeper understanding of its geographical features. Not only does it stimulate children's learning motivation, but it also breaks away from traditional one-dimensional knowledge delivery methods, ensuring a more dynamic and engaging learning experience!

設計背景與設計策略,將單向式學習轉換為互動式學習,提升學生學習動機 Product design: 3D tabletop puzzle (administrative regions, learning tablecloth, terrain model), knowledge cards. One of the unique features of the product is its storage bag, which is made from raw fabric (胚布). During its manufacturing process, no chemicals are added, and it does not undergo bleaching process of usage


Department of Media Design, Tatung University

This game is a Metroidvania-style game. Players will explore abandoned ruins in the future Taiwan, gradually unraveling the secrets of the protagonist. The game includes a variety of weapons, time skills, component systems, and other designs, allowing players to choose their style freely.

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