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Department of Creative Product Design, National Taichung University of Science and Technology


四點設計 Contact to MORING for cooperation

MORING" is an educational tool that combines "learning and play."Through picture books, board games, and AR games, we establish the concept of body autonomy and interpersonal relationships for children aged 5 to 9. This promotes the relationship between parents and children, and between teachers and students, achieving bidirectional learning. The board game adopts a modular design and is made of recyclable materials.

Creative Concept Picture book synopsis and character image Step-by-step instructions for using picture books, board games, and AR games Product Highlights


Department of Creative Product Design, TUNGNAN UNIVERSITY

The massive amount of plastic seriously impacts the Earth's ecology, with PET bottles being a significant portion. Utilizing a new recycling process, using PET bottles as an example, to educate the public about recycling and to manufacture new products from recycled PET bottles.

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