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The moment of eye contact

Department of Crafts & Design, National Taiwan University of Arts


四點設計 Contact to The moment of eye contact for cooperation

In the original story, the artifact is a creation that features eyes allowing the protagonist, Zoe, to observe her surroundings comprehensively, gathering extra information. Moreover, when a demon makes eye contact with the artifact, it petrifies, giving Zoe a chance to defeat the demon and withstand attacks, thus protecting her homeland's safety.

22*7*5 / 25*9*9  (CM) The moment of eye contact The moment of eye contact The moment of eye contact

Learn and Play: Cultivating Pet Care Responsibility

Department of Creative Product Design, TUNGNAN UNIVERSITY

The product of "Learn and Play" is a product design that simulates how to keep pet with Responsibility . By the strategies of Circular design, utilizing a product lifecycle approach, the product transitions from a learning kit to a pet's accessory, allowing users to experience the journey of caring for a pet and fostering responsibility, thereby mitigating issues related to pet abandonment in society.

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