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Auto-Cleaning Road Reflecting Mirror

Department of Creative Product Design, Ling Tung University


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Utilizing the principle of clock gears (low speed, high torque), along with wind energy storage and simple water filtration to reduce moisture and resistance, enables continuous rotation for cleaning, achieving the "rolling stone gathers no moss" effect. This overcomes the problem of insufficient manpower for cleaning. It accomplishes the maintenance of a polished surface and serves as a warning system for traffic conditions.

Continuous rotating cleaning of reflectors maintains road warning functionality. Explanation of the water collection tank and filtration device. Operational process of the product. Exploded view and material description of the product.

Mouse Missing

Department of Product Design, Tainan University of Technology

Our design concept is to develop a sleek and comprehensive smart mouse trapping device to address rodent issues. It adopts a non-toxic, bloodless trapping method, utilizing a closed-box trap that prevents mice from escaping once entered. Additionally, it triggers a CO2 mechanism to induce suffocation and death in the mouse.

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