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Department of Fashion Design, Tainan University of Technology


四點設計 Contact to SUSTAINABLE FASHION - SKIRT SWAYING for cooperation

Inspired by the moment when a woman's elegant skirt swayes, three new fashion bags and shoes are reinvented by combining used jeans with treated black stockings, off-white leather and belts, hoping to give it new life and style through the use of eco-friendly materials.

Inspired by the moment when a woman's elegant skirt swayes, three new fashion bags and shoes are reinvented by combining used jeans with treated black stockings, off-white leather and belts, Inspired by the moment when a woman's elegant skirt swayes, three new fashion bags and shoes are reinvented by combining used jeans with treated black stockings, off-white leather and belts, Inspired by the moment when a woman's elegant skirt swayes, three new fashion bags and shoes are reinvented by combining used jeans with treated black stockings, off-white leather and belts, Inspired by the moment when a woman's elegant skirt swayes, three new fashion bags and shoes are reinvented by combining used jeans with treated black stockings, off-white leather and belts,


Department of Fashion Design, Tainan University of Technology

Inspired by the transformation of old clothes, it emphasizes the continuity of eco-friendly fashion, and also uses discarded cork stoppers to remake new fabrics, injecting a unique element into fashion and conveying a sense of respect for environmental values.

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