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Department of Commercial Design and Management, National Taipei University of Business


四點設計 Contact to EmoViz for cooperation

In this era of information overload and rapid technological development, people not only find themselves submerged in chaotic information daily but are also susceptible to anxiety and a mindset of comparison. These emotions often accumulate in various forms within the body and mind before being noticed, and we describe these burdens that occupy the space of body, mind, and soul as "trash." Without mindful awareness and release, life becomes filled with this emotional clutter, and this backlog can become a significant obstacle to personal growth. Through the process of "emotional visualization," we aim to assist the public in recognizing and understanding these emotions more clearly, thereby evolving into a more complete version of themselves.

Emotions, unseen yet constantly impacting our existence. By writing emotion classification note books, we can be helped to identify and guide, so that the real motivations for emotions can b Pink symbolizes inner warmth. The “O” as an eye visualizes emotions. Six emotional characters help categorize and visualize feelings. By categorizing and sending notes, emotions are expressed and inner clarity is achieved.


Department of Commercial Design and Management, National Taipei University of Business

The concept of sustainable development of small and medium-sized enterprises is growing year by year, and the main goal is to promote ESG.

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