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Department of Visual Communication Design, Ling Tung University


四點設計 Contact to ADVOCATE OF GOD for cooperation

The "Medium" is a common figure in folk beliefs, serving as a bridge between humans and gods through spirit possession. We refer to them as "divine spokespersons." Through design, we aim to convey this traditional Taiwanese culture and customs, allowing people to understand how "Medium" interact with the divine.

The Theme Series Poster: Deities and Mediums in Contrasting Colors. Combining Deities and Mediums, Highlighted Against a Black Background with Striking Contrast Colors. Presenting the Five Treasures Used by Mediums in 3D Cards. Incorporating Playful Phrases into Traditional Talismans. The prayer flags are not only used to announce the presence of invisible beings, but also serve functions such as exorcism rituals. Creating a Comprehensive Inquiry Process Diagram Using Dual Primary Colors and a Black Background.


Department of Visual Communication Design, Ling Tung University

Our project concept revolves around identifying twenty occupations with significant gender imbalances and creating educational materials such as cards, brochures, and books. We aim to highlight minority genders on the cards and emphasize that professions are not bound by gender. We provide foundational knowledge for middle and high school students to make informed decisions about their future careers, choosing occupations that best suit their interests and abilities.

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