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Department of Industrial Design, Shih Chien University

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Tempo Bond


Tempo Bond is like the resonance rhythm of the world, not only manifesting as energy but also resembling a chain reaction, generating infinite possibilities through collision and connection.
〰︎〰︎ Clang-Clang 〰︎〰︎ is the collision of passion and perseverance, weaving the spirit of craftsmen's persistence.
◠◠◠ Doki-Doki ◠◠◠ is the signal of heartbeats, opening up the resonance of the inner self together.
⌜⌝⌞⌟ Tick-Tock ⌜⌝⌞⌟ is the low hum of passing time, delineating the traces of people's lives.
\/\/\/ Wow-Wow \/\/\/ is the surprise from the future, guiding people to explore the mysteries of the unknown.
Creation is like this process, starting from the faint beats of the heart, gradually increasing in volume, bringing more emotions, like a vast invisible chain reaction, stirring up the world with a certain rhythm.
And when various decibels and rhythms intertwine, they will create harmonious and wonderful movements, making the world filled with captivating melodies.

Tempo Bond

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