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Department of Crafts & Design, National Taiwan University of Arts

24 works

24 works

Little drops of water


“...Little drops of water/Little grains of sand/Make the mighty ocean/And the pleasant land…” – Julia Abigail Fletcher Carney poem “Little Things” (1845)

浮流成洲 Fú Liú Chéng Zhōu
The four words of our name embody the idea that the land consists of tiny grains of sand and highlight the historical context of Fúzhōu, where the National Taiwan University of Arts was established.

Fúzhōu is where the river reaches its end. Over time, as water collects and deposits sediment, it becomes the birthplace of numerous art scholars. As students of NTUA, we see ourselves as water with the power to form a stream and the potential to become a mighty ocean. By carrying forward the spirit of cohesion, we have curated this exhibition to showcase the culmination of our four-year journey at the university, aiming to create a new version of Fúzhōu.

Little drops of water

24 works

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