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Liminal Zone

2023, International Students Creative Award (ISCA)


四點設計 Contact to Liminal Zone for cooperation

In the world we live in today, countless tragedies and sufferings occur in every corner. None of us can guarantee that we will not be the next victim to be crushed by life's iron fist. We are controlled by an intangible force, and we must find a way to seek redemption. Pain and history must never be forgotten.
It is in this context that my project takes root. During the initial stages of this project, I was inspired by Japanese RPG games and anime, which have accompanied me throughout my life and have continued to influence me. I seek to immerse the audience in my work by simulating a game experience.
In my creative process, I have incorporated many metaphors of the real world. These metaphors include confusing mazes, hallucinogenic mushrooms, flowers that surveil us, televisions that broadcast fake news, hypocritical and cunning deities, lanterns that depend on good and bad fortune, city buildings like chessboards, and screens that record history. Through these metaphors, I aim to remind people not to forget history and to view the world we live in dialectically. I encourage them to question the invincible forces and to use their courage to guard their inner voices.

Burnt Fox

2023, International Students Creative Award (ISCA)

Sounds turn into abstract images. This black and white abstract animation aims to visualize the underlying music track by artist duo dadahack, enhancing it by adding a visual layer to the acoustic. A combination of mixed media materials, hand and digital drawing, as well as analog and digital animation techniques are used to create a tightly connected audiovisual experience. Among the mixed media materials are a number of so called “chemigrams”. Photographs created with a camera-less photographic technique done in the darkroom where photographic paper is exposed to light and the chemicals used for developing create abstract shapes and patterns on the paper.

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