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Are you there Mr. Wolf ?

2023, International Students Creative Award (ISCA)


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Mischa, a little girl living in the suburbs of Moscow, spends most of her time in her room, crafting things with paper mache. One day, she makes a beautiful violin out of paper and as the sound of her new instrument fills her apartment, a wonderful enchanted forest of paper grows. In this forest, live big monsters for whom Mischa wants to play.
As she wanders through the magical woods in her apartment, she stops by the kitchen where Kochtcheï the Ogre lives. But the monster is too angry to enjoy the music of the little girl, and chase her out. Then, she goes into the dressing room, where Baba Yaga the Witch lives. But the monster is too occupied by herself to listen to the music of the child, and chase her out. Finally, Mischa stops by the bathroom where Vodyanoy, the Swamp Monster, lives. But the monster is too interested in Mischa to care for her music…
And so, no one in Mischa’s home wants to listen to her music. But the less they listen to her playing the violin, the more the Wolf dangerously prowls in the woods, closer and closer to the little girl.

Island of Multitude

2023, International Students Creative Award (ISCA)

How is the world seen by an island – a place made of multitudes, living and nonliving? The space and time through multispecies viewpoint is infinitely complex and narrowing it down to linear film might seem impossible. Island of Multitude gets entangled in the island’s complex world following and building connections between different agents of the island. The contact points are observed from multiple perspectives with each new viewpoint forming an even more complex web. In the end this film is just one story out of the millions that unfold on the island on a daily basis. Island of Multitude is a conclusion of a year-long research on the island of Uuluti, located in the Baltic Sea, off the coast of West Estonia. It started as an exploration of island space and the human and non-human stories that are formed on islands. In the middle of an ecological crisis, it’s important to also tell stories that are not only in the state of fighting but more casual stories that portray the world that we want to live in. Other than imagining the apocalypse we could think of worlds that are positive and functioning. It’s crucial to tell stories of worlds that we want to live in. We don’t need to wait for the world to end to start a new one.

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