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Department of Fashion Styling and Design Communication, Shih Chien University


四點設計 Contact to THE ONE for cooperation

We create technology, and technology makes us meet. The flow of time is always the same.

They move to both sides, if the answer is explained by all parties. The eye of technology generated by digital code. DNA, the flow of connection and transmission. It represents the endpoint of the docking between human beings and technology.

You Jian grocery store

Department of Fashion Design, Shih Chien University

As days change and times shift rapidly, the old grocery stores carry the memories of many. For us, these stores were not just places to shop but also emotional anchors and symbols of a way of life. Nowadays, people are overwhelmed by online information, leading to a tense mental state. We want to invite everyone to return to the past, slowly rediscovering those simple, beautiful moments cherished in everyone's hearts.

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