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jellybean and curve

Department of Arts and Design, National Taipei University of Education


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The paintings can project the personal stories of the artist. Drawing inspiration from the works of Kandinsky, Paul Klee, and Miró, I incorporated the joyful experience of tasting Reagan candy into the dots, lines, and shapes of famous paintings. I utilized metal craftsmanship to create Reagan candy-adorned and minimalist three-series brooches.

The texture of Jellybeans exhibits layers of softness and firmness akin to the musicality of Kandinsky's artworks . The pins with lines, curves, and Jellybeans bring layers and fun to wear. Encrusting Jellybeans as treasures amidst various metals adds color and allure. The sweetness of Jellybeans resembles the playful and joyful essence of Paul Klee's artworks. Jellybeans peek out with eyes, growing feet to wander around. Jellybeans interpret my inner self like Miró does with his paintings.

Auto-Cleaning Road Reflecting Mirror

Department of Creative Product Design, Ling Tung University

Utilizing the principle of clock gears (low speed, high torque), along with wind energy storage and simple water filtration to reduce moisture and resistance, enables continuous rotation for cleaning, achieving the "rolling stone gathers no moss" effect. This overcomes the problem of insufficient manpower for cleaning. It accomplishes the maintenance of a polished surface and serves as a warning system for traffic conditions.

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