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slight Modular exhaust colostomy pouch

Department of Industrial Design, National Taipei University of Technology


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This venting colostomy pouch is designed for colorectal cancer patients who travel or engage in outdoor activities. It prevents bag inflation due to air pressure changes, provides venting, and simplifies emptying. With replaceable bags and a filtered venting valve, it reduces user stress. Users can select manual or automatic venting valves as needed.

Manual exhaust valve Pressure sensing device and support belt APP intelligent connection helps users record body changes Ostomy bag set

Gather.vila-Rejuvenation of Neiwan settlement cultural venues

Department of Architecture and Interior Design, Da-Yen University

Neiwan Settlement, once known as the "Little Shanghai," was a bustling community. Most of the people who gathered here were raft workers and miners who came for work. The Japanese also stayed here, leaving behind traditional Japanese architecture. As forestry policies changed, people gradually left the settlement, leaving only the original Hakka residents. The culture of this settlement is slowly fading as the population ages. Initially, we analyzed the composition of this settlement and understood its historical context through its architecture. We selected three sites within the settlement that hold historical value and analyzed the cultural significance of the old spaces and buildings, considering how to balance them with the current tourism industry. Finally, we designed the "Police Station-Backpacker Hostel," the "Theater-Cultural Center," and the "Forestry Bureau-Information Station," aiming to help visitors understand the settlement's historical stories through these architectural designs.

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